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Russia Murmansk Winter 1 | 新田浩之のページ

Russia Murmansk Winter 1


In this article I would like to talk about crazy Russian trip in Feb. 2013. Generally Japanese student must hunt job before graduation as Japanese unique system. That means we must hunt job with studying and writing article in university. I had studied about Yugoslavian history and politics with hunting job in graduate school since December 2011. Although I had written graduation article, I could not get job until Feb 2013(Graduation ceremony is held in March)

. I am wondering why Japanese company disliked me then for some time. I do not know why?

Anyway I decided to visit Murmansk which is beyond polar line in Russia to reset my brain.


① Murmansk Blue

Finally I arrived in Murmansk at 12:31 from Saint-Petersburg by night train. It took about 27 hour. When I stood on the platform, I was so moved by watching so beautiful sky blue which I had never watched in Japan. That’s so sad I have not enough words to express the beauty in even Japanese. I was just satisfied with standing on platform in Murmansk station where it is most north station in the world. Every lines spread from Murmansk. Amazing! 

Sadly I had so big problem then: I did not know how to go to the hostel which I took reservation in Japan. I just forget to check the location. I thought anyway I try to look for internet cafe which Lonely planet introduce. I arrived in the place, but nothing…. it seems  the cafe closed before… 

I went to go to biggest hostel in Murmansk to call taxi with so crazy backpack. When I walked along main street, someone asked me “are you Japanese in Japanese. I was so surprised and looked back for them. Russian girl and her parent stood in front of me. She love Japanese culture and tried to study Japanese language. So she tried to ask me. Thanks for her, I could stay at the hostel. 


② Beautiful and Cold

2 days later I tried to visit hill where so big Sovietic statue “Alyosha”. I walked and climbed in much snow for 1 hour with so cold air(maybe -20~-30℃). When I arrived in the hill, I lost sense of my hand and every machine was not moved with so coldness. I continued to stand on hill for 10 min to look so beautiful sun and scenery of Murmansk like heaven. Honestly I felt death a bit. 

If you would like to write message for me, please send message to my email address(ddr1968@flute.ocn.ne.jp) 





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