短期的な目標 一生懸命、ふまじめ
「セルビアに行きたい! しかし情報がない!」。セルビアに行こうと決意した方が必ず直面する思いでしょう。今回は、セルビア旅行前に知っておきたいサイトを紹介します。
In this article I would like to talk about crazy Russian trip in Feb. 2013. Generally Japanese student must hunt job before graduation as Japanese unique system. That means we must hunt job with studying and writing article in university. I had studied about Yugoslavian history and politics with hunting job in graduate school since December 2011. Although I had written graduation article, I could not get job until Feb 2013(Graduation ceremony is held in March)
Hello. Today I’d like to talk about myself. It seems that Japanese younger blogger like to talk about myself and their career plan. But I have hesitated to talk about myself in English. Anyway I decide to try to write about me in English.
Eišiškės: Provided by Wikipedia
I wanna explain about Transdniester in this article. Maybe a lot of people have such a same question: What is Transdniester? Transdniester is country? In fact Transdniester is not formal country but abnormal country….
Hello. I traveled in Central Europe and Eastern Europe where I am so interested with writing article in Japanese for 3 months. But some people who do not understand Japanese would like to read my article in English. Although my English level is not good, I decide to write it in English as essay style for them. If you are satisfied with it, I will be so glad. Today I pick up most mysterious country: Moldova.